Dedicated Hosted PBX Website -

We are delighted to announce, we have a website to get more information and order your hosted PBX directly. FonPBX will become our brand for all things hosted PBX. Please visit for more information. As we build and test new PBX systems, we will release them for you to be able to purchase your favorate PBX brand.

18th Out 2023
PBX Hosting Announced

Beginning of January 2022, we will be hosting managed and un-managed FreePBX servers. On the managed PBX your server will be monitored by us, keeping it running smoothly. With the PBX ready to go, it leaves you to setup the phones and all the lovely line programming. If you prefer a lower cost and want to manage it all yourself, we can provide ... Ler Mais »

11th Dez 2021
Updating your FreePBX or PBXact PBX with security fixes.

All systems should be updated, or at least security updates should be looked into. PBX systems are no less important than any other and maybe even more so. FreePBX or PBXact have an easy option to make sure you have your PBX software stack is patched with security updates, without updating the entire system and potentially breaking something.  Go ... Ler Mais »

30th Nov 2021

Whilst in these troubling times, we would like to state that Coloniesonline is "online" and working, business as usual. We are fully capable working from home as a team and this should not effect customer services.  We would also like to thank everyone during the lock down, who like the NHS are still working hard to help care for us. But also ... Ler Mais »

1st Abr 2020
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